
About Us

VALVEcampus is an Association of manufacturers of Industrial Valves and Components for the Oil & Gas and Power Industries.
It was established thanks to the desire of six partners to promote and spread the technical culture of Industrial Valves among professionals, working as an Educational Agency in the traditional areas of Design, Technical Standards, Metallurgy, Sealing Systems and Auxiliary Components for Industrial Valves.

The Association pursues the specific objective, with his Statute to promote the know-how, the professional standing and the international role that Italy covers in this field with its manifold activities. Therefore competence, knowledge, creativity and continuous training are needed to enhance all those distinct skills of the Italian supply chain which must be understood and perceived by International Customers.

The Think Tank Valve Industry is the expression that epitomizes this mission. It is the think tank of VALVEcampus, where to share opinions, news and market expectations, discussing new opportunities and scenarios for benefits which can be shared by all actors in the supply chain.

Not only training, but also information!

Our Result

Our Result

40 +
99 +
15 +
Course for year
15 +
Webinar for year
Latest news of VALVEcampus

Latest News

Digital & Information Standards

Digital & Information Standards

“The Adoption of Digital Transformation Standards workstream focuses on understanding and overcoming barriers to widespread adoption of the data and information standards that provide the foundation for digital transformation. The …

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Why Associate

Imagine training courses in which Teachers and Students have common objectives. The training proposal offered by #VALVEcampus has proved to be particularly productive and effective because the Teachers are mainly the Members. …

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Did you know?

Valves are a vital part of any piping system, they play a key role in the oil and gas industry. Which are the five common valves used in this industry?➡️ …