The Official Journal of European Union dated June 27, 2014 publicise the Directive
2014/68/EU of May 15 2014, known as New PED which, in respect of previous 97/23/EC,
has been reorganized and revised to take into account the New Legislative Framework
(NLF) and specifically the provisions of:
• Regulation (EC) n° 765/2008 which lays down rules on the accreditation of
Conformity Assessment Bodies and also provides a framework for the market
surveillance of products and for the controls on products from third countries also
laying down general principles of CE marking;
• Decision n° 768/2008/EC which lays down rules for a common framework for the
marketing of products into the common market providing harmonized definitions
regarding Economic Operators, Standards, Specifications, Conformity evaluation and
rules and conditions for CE marking.