Since 1998 CAAST offers a great range of products and materials designed and tested for the most different applications in the sector of oleo dynamic, pneumatic, energy, steel industry, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic, oil and gas, up to aerospace sector.
CAAST invests on technical research and on developing new applications in order to overcome the limit of what is today considered “the market standard”. We can guarantee full materials traceability, controls according to the most demanding parameters, technical support to develop new applications, tailored tests on materials according to the needs, services and solutions of the end user.
CAAST supplies sealing solutions with turning and molding technology, made with innovative machines, which allow to satisfy the most demanding applications.
CAAST, due to its experience and know-how, can offer highly customized solutions to meet its clients needs and to have the best performances for their applications.
Our production technologies ensure fast delivery and fully customized items, from prototyping up to 2.5 m or even without size limits with some particular production technology.
In specific application contests, turning thanks to the absence of the production costs of dedicated equipment, constitutes the right compromise in the case of limited series.
The CAAST Technical Department utilizes a special communication technique, the active listening, in order to deeply understanding the needs of each client, so that our engineers can design the best effective sealing solution for the most diverse applications.
Our calculation systems allow us to dimension the various sealing systems with the utmost precision, selecting the starting profile from over 100 profile, which we can define as the most recurrent, to arrive at those that allow us to produce completely customized sealing solutions as well as components.
There are more than 50 different materials available to our customers, from elastomers (NBR, EPDM, FKM,FFKM H-NBR, VMQ,…) thermoplastics, up to the latest generation of plastics. The materials available are provided with various approvals that meet the requirements of the many sector of use, such as, for instance, Norsok, FDA, 3A Sanitary, WRAS…
CAAST is increasing the potential of its Technical Department, hiring young skilled and highly motivated engineers and is going to start co-operations with important Italian university and research institutions.
Passion and experience are focused on technical research and on development of new applications to advance the applicability limit of the components we have studied. One of the objectives is to diversify as much as possible the penetration in the various application fields and consolidate the presence at an international level.